
Q-Park has a large number of stakeholders. The following overview shows how we engage with and involve our key stakeholders in our policy.





Capital market
- Shareholders
- Bond investors
- Banks1

  • Benchmarking

  • Financial health and insensitivity to risks

  • Innovation, research, and development

  • Transparency and communication

  • Good reputation

  • Ethical operating activities and compliance

  • Privacy and data security

  • Clarity about the relationship between financial and sustainability reporting

  • Strategy, policy, risk management, and calculating financial results

  • Relationship between financial and sustainability reporting

  • Reporting according to guidelines, as basis for comparison with other organisations

  • Reputation management

  • Compliance with legislation and interpretation of responsibilities

  • Information over consequences of investments and divestments

  • Information over future opportunities and product innovations

- Private
- Business2

  • Fair competition and prices

  • Accessible parking facilities

  • Security practices

  • Quality and good parking services

  • Privacy and data security

  • Good complaints processing

  • Quality management

  • Information regarding liability

  • Health and safety measures

  • Product development and environmental management

  1. Interaction frequency: quarterly
  2. Interaction frequency: daily
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- Existing

  • Job security and correct remuneration

  • Ethical business operations

  • Safe working conditions

  • Good reputation

  • Diversity

  • Transparency and communication

  • Inform about Q-Park's plans and intentions

  • Work policy and HRM

  • Health and safety measures and prevention of incidents, emergencies, and accidents

  • Education and training

  • Prevention of fraud and undesirable behaviour

  • Risk and reputation management

  • Consultation between management and employees

  • Performance and appraisal interviews

  • Employee training

  • Internal reputation and communication

  • Employee satisfaction surveys

  • Integrity Policy

Business partners
- Suppliers
- Commercial parties1

  • Ethical business operations

  • Partnerships

  • Quality

  • Chain responsibility

  • Transparency and communication

  • Innovation, research and development

  • Inform about Q-Park's plans and intentions

  • Quality control and information about liability

  • Health and safety measures

  • Prevention of fraud and undesirable behaviour

  • Production conditions (also in the chain)

  • Product development and care for the environment

  • Sharing 'best practices'

  • Drafting standards

  • Comply with voluntary agreements within sector

  1. Interaction frequency: monthly
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- Local authorities
- Communities1

  • Benchmarking

  • Employment

  • Ethical operating activities and compliance

  • Integration of transport modes

  • Viable, accessible, and economically flourishing cities

  • Cooperation and support for social projects

  • Design and implementation of the policy

  • Sharing 'best practices'

  • Own regional initiatives

  • Modify design of parking facilities to suit the surroundings

  • Sustainable construction, maintenance and renovation

  • Public-Private Partnerships

Governments, politics and society as a whole
- National governments
- EU
- International institutes2

  • Safe, healthy, pleasant and social living environment

  • Countering climate change

  • Economical use of raw materials, energy and water

  • Ethical business operations

  • Initiatives for sustainable urban mobility

  • Prevention and reduction of damaging environmental impact

  • Contribution to transparency of sector

  1. Interaction frequency: monthly
  2. Interaction frequency: at least once a year