Climate change mitigation

Q-Park reduces its CO2 emissions at it mitigates the effects of climate change, which has a positive cascade effect on public health and plant and animal diversity. In addition, this boosts the global economy and leads to innovative, more environmental-friendly solutions.

There is, however, a challenge. On the one hand we reduce our kWh consumption through our Energy Portfolio Management, by sourcing renewable energy and taking energy-saving measures. On the other hand we install more EV charging points for our customers, resulting in more kWh consumption.


We report market-based emissions as these reflect our initiatives to source renewable energy. We also report location-based emissions to demonstrate the impact of our decisions.

In 2023, we were able to further reduce our average carbon footprint per parking space in operated parking facilities. The average kgCO2 per parking space is now 45.4 (2022: 48.3), a decrease of 6%.

Since we started measuring our emissions in 2010, we have already achieved a 75% reduction in our carbon footprint. Please note that the drop in energy consumption reported in 2018 is mainly attributable to our LED Programme.

Also note:

  • Potential differences between previous Annual CSR Reports data points can be attributed to updating extrapolated data with actual data.

  • The market-based calculations allow tracking of the impact of decisions made by Q-Park in energy sourcing.

  • GWh consumed by EV charging points operated by Q-Park is available from 2022.

  • The increase in GWh consumed by EV charging points operated by Q-Park can be attributed to the increased numbers of EV charging points and the increased usage per EV charging point. 

Another notable development is that in 2023 we decided that from 1 January 2024 the energy procured by Q-Park Netherlands will be renewable energy. The impact of this change, estimated to exceed 50% reduction in kgCO2, will be clearly visible in the next Annual CSR Report.

Chart 9 Average CO2 footprint (kg CO2) per parking space (market based as of 2020)

The following chart shows the breakdown of emissions per parking space per type of car park structure.

Chart 10 CO2 footprint (kg CO2) per parking space per type of structure - market based

The following chart shows the total GHG emissions with a breakdown of market-based emissions in Scope 1, 2 and 3.

Chart 11 Total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in tons CO2